問題 | 解答 | |
1 | オーケー百姓ども年貢の納め時が来たぜ覚悟しやがれヒーハー | Okay, peasants, now you'd better prepare for the time to pay tax! Hee-Haa!! |
2 | 貧しい家庭ではタコヤキの具の蛸の代わりにちくわやこんにゃくを使用する。 | Poor families substitute Chikuwa or Konnyaku for the piece of octopus when they make Takoyaki. |
3 | 通路をふさいでいるあのリュックサック野郎を押しのけて通るのがめんどうだ。いっそ死んでくれないだろうか。 | It is very troublesome to push away that backpack guy who is standing in my way. I wish he would die. |
4 | 来る日も来る日もうんこを贈り出し続ける諸君らのけなげな肛門にわたくしは衷心からの同情を禁じえない。 | I'm deeply sympathetic to your pitiful anal who is sending excrement out of your body day after day. |
5 | 先日トイレであなたが3糎に満たぬ棒状の何かをあわてふためいてパンツの中に格納される様子を目撃しましたが、お元気ですか。 | The other day I witnessed you at the lavatory pushing something like a stick shorter than three centimeters into your underwear in a hurry. Anyway, how are you doing? |
6 | 労働人口が諸君らの皮と同じぐらいあまり気味なのだそうだ。 | Working population is said to have some surplus, just like the skin around your penis. |
7 | もしあのとき成型肉を十分に過熱して内部で増殖した細菌を死滅させていれば下痢や嘔吐で苦しむこともなかっただろう。 | If you had cooked that molding meat fully and killed the germs proliferating in the meat, you wouldn't have suffered from vomiting and diarrhea. |
8 | お隣の仮屋崎さん、玄関先に置かれていたウンコを踏んですべって転んで頭を打って脳が出てお亡くなりになったんですって。 | You know, Mr. Kariyazaki next door has died in an accident; he step into the shit left in the entrance, slipped and fell, causing him a severe hit in the head and an exposure of his brain. |
9 | 速報です。タレントの関口ひろしさんが床に落ちた陰毛を拾おうとして転倒し、手首を骨折していたことが判りました。 | Breaking news. The famous TV talent Hiroshi Sekiguchi has broken his wrist when he tried to pick up a curly hair on the floor and mistakenly fell down. |
10 | ももえちゃんが足で握ってくれたおにぎりはおいしいなあ! | What a delicious rice ball! Momoe-chan made it for me with her feet! |
11 | 一人でエグザイルの真似をする夢をみた翌朝、全身が異常に凝っていた。 | The next morning after I had a dream of impersonating EXILE all alone, I found my whole body was extremely stiff. |
12 | an-an読者投稿で一位に選ばれたカリスマこじきモデルのHAGUKIさんが今朝、誤ってゴミ収集車に回収されました。 | The charisma beggar model HAGUKI, who was chosen as the number one model in the magazine "an-an" by the readers, has been mistakenly collected by a garbage truck this morning. |
13 | われわれはテレビを通じて低俗な娯楽を垂れ流すことにより日本民族を白痴化することに成功した。 | We finally succeeded to moronize the Japanese race by giving them silly entertainment through television. |
14 | 子供の頃疎開した田舎で百姓の子にいじめられたトラウマが元となり、被告の心には田舎者に対する怨恨が根深く残っている。 | Due to the trauma caused by the experience of being bullied by peasant's children during the evacuation in his childhood, strong feeling of grudge for rural people is lingering in the defendant's heart. |
15 | ミジンコが光を目指すように人間には夢の指向性があります。誰かに夢を与えられるような、そんなステキなオナニストを目指したい。 | Just like water flea has a trait of heading for the light, we human race also have a trait of running toward our own dream. I want to be such a wonderful onanist who can give people a dream. |
16 | 彼が忘れていったノートを開くと、堕天使がどうのという感じの痛ましい歌詞が一面に書きなぐられていた。 | When I opened his notebook that he left behind, I found some painful lyrics regarding "fallen angel" or something scribbled in all the pages. |
17 | 顔相学のなんとか相元ってまだ生きてるのかなあ。どうでもいいけど。 | I wonder if Mr. Sougen something who is known as a physiognomist is still alive. I'm not interested in, though. |
18 | 君、腐ったギョーザを食って死んだと聞いたがまだ生きとったのかね! よかったなあ。 | I'm surprised to know you are still alive, because I heard you died from eating rotten chotzu. Good for you! |
19 | おじいさんの霊が見えます。ぱ、ぱんつをはいていません。というか全裸です。すっぽんぽんです!! | I can see the ghost of an old man, who is not putting on underwears. In other words, he is completely naked. |
20 | 寝ても醒めてもひたすらゴミだし。わたくしからゴミだしをとったら何も残らないのではないかと思う。 | I just keep carrying the garbage out of my room night and day. There will be nothing left for me if I quit this job. |
21 | パンツ一丁でピアノを弾くフレディ・マーキュリーとありえない動作でバイバイをするケイト・ブッシュではどちらが怖いですか? | Which do you think is creepier: Freddie Mercury playing the piano in his briefs, or Kate Bush waving her hand in an abnormal way? |